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Health Insurance Quotes for Los Angeles businesses

On this page you will be able to compare rates and benefits for the four most competitive insurance carriers in Los Angeles.   The quotes will feature plans from Kaiser Permanente, Anthem Blue Cross, California Blue Shield and UnitedHealthcare.   The quotes will be set up for regions 15 and 16 for small businesses with 2 to 100 employees.  These sample quotes show the costs for employees ranging from 25 to 65 years old.

Pick your region ( either 15 or 16 ) based upon your businesses zip code to view and compare quotes.  Or call 877-686-5433 for assistance or to purchase a plan. No broker fees.

2017 3rd quarter quotes:

Region 15:(Zip codes 906-912, 915, 917, 918, 935)

(see region 16 below, for all other Los Angeles zip codes)

Platinum level small business health insurance quotes:

(View and compare quotes from Kaiser, Anthem, Blue Shield, and Unitedhealthcare)
example... Life insurance for business owners

1.  Platinum PPO quotes

2.  Platinum HMO quotes

Gold level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Gold PPO quotes

2. Gold HMO quotes

Silver level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Silver PPO quotes

2. Silver HMO quotes

Bronze level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Bronze PPO quotes

2. Bronze HMO quotes 


Region 16:

( all other Los Angeles county Zip Codes )

(View and compare quotes from Kaiser, Anthem, Blue Shield, and Unitedhealthcare)

Platinum level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Platinum PPO quotes

2. Platinum HMO quotes

Gold level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Gold  PPO quotes

2. Gold  HMO quotes

Silver level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Silver PPO quotes

2. Silver HMO quotes

Bronze level small business health insurance quotes:

1. Bronze PPO quotes

2. Bronze HMO quotes



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